Asterix and Astrology

29 04 2010

©April 2010 by Fabienne Lopez

Mystic Medusa’s posts on Astrology and cartoons inspired me to write a post with my own favorite cartoon characters. Being raised in a multicultural family, I came in contact with a variety of cartoons, so I assumed everybody knew the same characters as I did. Imagine my shock the other day when talking to G. and he didn’t know who Asterix was!

Over a cup of coffee, I happened to mention my love for Asterix the Gaul. He gave me a blank look because he had not, never ever, heard of this character before. As can be expected, I was shocked and horrified.

“How can you have never heard of Asterix?” I cried.

He looked a little alarmed at my outburst.

“Asterix is famous! He is everyone’s childhood hero. The books still make me roll on the ground with laughter.”

He gave me a polite nod, took a bite of his Danish, and changed the conversation.

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